About this project

This website has been created by a small team of students who share a deep appreciation for Orgyen Tobgyal’s unique way of presenting the Buddha’s wisdom, and have resolved to make his teachings available in English to enthusiastic Dharma students.

Editor-in-Chief: Gyurme Avertin, Rinpoche’s translator
Editorial Consultant: Philip Philippou, David Rand
English Editors: Janine Schulz, Ane Tsondru and David Rand
Website Implementation: Eszter Hoffmann
Website Design: Sam Horwood

Help translate more teaching from Orgyen Topgyal Rinpoche.

If you would like to support maintaining this website, the translation of further works and publications of Rinpoche's teachings please consider helping us by making an offering.

Latest Additions

List of additions to the website

10 July: A new category for teachings during Pilgrimage with the first teaching in this series Cock’s Foot Peak (Kukkuṭapāda)

29 April, 2024: The Nyingtik Yabshi, A concise presentation, new Vajrayana teaching

31 December: How to Practise Vajrayana, in a Nutshell, new Vajrayana teaching

3 December: Offering Tsok While You Shop, new Vajrayana teaching

3 March, 2023: Longchen Nyingtik Powa, a new book available in the Vajrayana section

See full list >>

All Teachings